Fate Now Conquers, Carlos Simon

Fate Now Conquers, Carlos Simon

“Using the beautifully fluid harmonic structure of the second movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony,” Simon explained, “I have composed musical gestures that are representative of the unpredictable ways of fate. Jolting stabs, coupled with an agitated groove with every persona. Frenzied arpeggios in the strings that morph into an ambiguous cloud of free-flowing running passages depicts the uncertainty of life that hoovers over us.” 

Fate Now Conquers, Carlos Simon
  • Fate Now Conquers, Carlos Simon

    “Using the beautifully fluid harmonic structure of the second movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony,” Simon explained, “I have composed musical gestures that are representative of the unpredictable ways of fate. Jolting stabs, coupled with an agitated groove with every persona. Frenzied arpeggios ...